Application Process
If you are older than 18 and want to be a software developer, you can apply to 42 Kocaeli right away!




In order to join 42 Kocaeli, you don't need any previous knowledge or qualifications of any kind, just a desire to learn, the right attitude and perseverance. 42 Istanbul is a tuition-free, in-person campus which is open 24/7, so that you can learn at your own pace.
In order to enter, you must pass two stages: an online registration game-test and a 26-day on-site selection period (the Piscine). If you pass the game, you will receive a confirmation e-mail within 48 hours and you will be able to start the one-month pool training process. During the 26-day training, you will be responsible for individual projects, group work and exams. If you were successful at the end of this process, congratulations! You have entered a main training process where you determine your own learning style at your own pace!